Rock Solid Relationships

I work with couples to find ways that you can go-on in a renewed, healthier relationship with the same person

Henk Ensing

Negotiating the relationship

  • establishing honesty
  • offering transparency
  • creating a level playing field of knowledge
  • building trust
New Habits of Trust

  • feel heard again
  • respectful listening
  • intentional turns at speaking
  • non-defensiveness
  • opening up to talk
  • finding ways to go-on in the relationship
  • words that transform
  • negotiating relational space
  • florishing relationship communication
  • ways to connect with words
Florishing Communication

  • rekindling the love
  • restoring physical intimacy
  • finding safe boundaries
  • untangling irreconcilable differences
  • inviting helpful thinking
  • same partner, new dance: discovering helpful cycles in the relationship
    Untangling Issues

    marriage counsellor hamilton

    My work is to negotiate the landscape of the relationship. This is an externalised unpacking where I negotiate the relationship from a non-adversarial position.

    I facilitate a conversation to find out what is wanted by each partner to bring out any hoped-for outcomes each partner hoping is for in the relationship.

    Negotiate The Landscape of The Relationship

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    Where the need invites, I negotiate covenants, boundaries and processes to find a way forward together.

    This narrative-informed approach is not that of pulling in directive tools. However, it might include consensually introducing ideas through conversations that consult with the ideas of others.

    This couple work leans into relational ‘therapeutic outcomes‘. My postliminary studies inform and circumscribe this scope of practice.

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    My Bachellor’s degree (UoW), supported by an AS (Associate of Science degree, BYUH) is fortified by postliminary studies.  Studies include an IPL* certificate in Narrative Informed Relational Interviewing with Conflicted Couple Relationships from Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy. Entitled, Advanced Narrative Therapy I, completed 2023.

    This postliminary certificate holds CECs recognised by the CCPA (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association).

    I work in Frankton, Hamilton, New Zealand.

    *IPL (Intensive PostLiminary Training)

    Couple Communication Counselling